Part 3: Through-The-Line Marketing (TTL) Explained

November 29, 2021
Posted in Weekly Posts
November 29, 2021 Seema Nasreddin

We’re back with our third and final part of our 3-part series! In these last posts we have talked to you about the other two forms of marketing; Below-The-Line, and Above-The-Line. We learned that those two options are great for brand building and brand credibility, but what are the benefits of Through-The-Line (TTL) marketing? Keep reading to find out!

So, what is Through-The-Line marketing? TTL is an integrated communication approach that involves messaging across multiple media platforms, which creates a customer’s perception of your brand or company. This allows you to engage with a customer at multiple points; such as seeing a YouTube ad, and then listening to an AD on a music streaming service, and seeing the product in a shop to test for themselves.

In the past, it was advisable to go with either ATL or BTL tactics because integrating the two seemed impossible. But now, as social media has blurred the lines that had previously separated marketing techniques, creating a new technique that is a combination of both.

The most widely known example of TTL is digital marketing strategies that offer ATL advertising benefits while using BTL communication to connect with customers. There are tools and resources that are currently available such as social media and pay-per-click platforms that help reach national coverage without the cost of doing ATL advertising.

Another example of TTL is 360° Marketing. This means that you integrate BTL and ATL ad mediums (such as a PPC platform and a flyer to hand out on the street). These are then planned and carried out to get the maximum advantage possible.


This article was quite short, but if you understand how ATL and BTL works, then understanding TTL is simple. There are a lot of different marketing tools and techniques that can be used when promoting your brand or your brands newest product. We hope that you enjoyed reading these articles as well as learned a thing or two. Join us again in two weeks for a new article!